dbus-cxx Library


dbus-cxx is a C++ implementation of the DBus protocol. It does not use the reference C implementation of libdbus at all in order to provide a tight C++-like interface, and to fix known multithreading problems with libdbus. libsigc++ is used to help provide an OO interface to the bus. Also included is dbus-cxx-xml2cpp to generate proxy and adapter interfaces from DBus XML introspection-like documents.

The dbus-cxx Github project page can be found here:


Download dbus-cxx source code

NOTE: Pre-built binary packages used to be provided through a private apt server, but this is no longer the case. If you are willing to help provide packages such as this, please get in touch by using the 'discussions' tab on Github!

Releases - (.bz2, .gz, .zip) can be found on Sourceforge and Github

Source building directions

Git Repository

You can browse the git repository at this url:


You can also check out a copy of the repository with this command:

git clone https://github.com/dbus-cxx/dbus-cxx.git

Dependencies... and where to get them

dbus: http://dbus.freedesktop.org - Should be installed by default (runtime dependency)
libsigc++ https://github.com/libsigcplusplus/libsigcplusplus (compile dependency)
See the README file for more information on compile-time dependencies
libcppgenerate https://github.com/rm5248/libcppgenerate (compile dependency, bundled)

Documentation, Tutorials, Guides, Quick Start, et. al.

If you want to jump into the code quickly check out the quick start guide.

dbus-cxx-xml2cpp Reference Documentation on using dbus-cxx-xml2cpp to convert DBus XML introspection documents into C++ proxies and adapters.

The API documentation (including the pages you are reading now) have been generated with Doxygen.

The most current documentation for dbus-cxx is available online here:

Key sections within the API reference

Getting help

If you run into problems, you have several options for getting in touch.

Github is the best forum to initiate discussion of some issues that you may have.

  1. Github - Discussions and Issues. General help should go to the Discussions, while bugs should go to issues.
  2. Mailing lists. These are very old, but they should still work


dbus-cxx is released under the LGPL-3.0 and/or BSD-3-Clause