Runtime configuration of dbus-cxx

There are several things that influence dbus-cxx that can be configured at runtime.

Default message endianess

By default, dbus-cxx will send messages in big-endian order. This can lead to issues with certain applications that only expect data in little-endian format. In order to change this to little-endian by default, either call DBus::set_default_endianess or set the environment variable DBUSCXX_ENDIANESS to either 'B' or 'l' for big or little endian.


The dbus-cxx library contains a simple logging mechanism in order to help debug. In order to use this feature, you may either set the logging function to a default implementation that will log to stderr, or you may install your own logging handler in order to route messages as you feel appropriate.

The relevant methods are DBus::set_logging_function and DBus::log_std_err.