This is the complete list of members for DBus::Connection, including all inherited members.
add_free_signal_proxy(std::shared_ptr< SignalProxyBase > Signal, ThreadForCalling calling=ThreadForCalling::DispatcherThread) | DBus::Connection | |
add_match(const std::string &rule) | DBus::Connection | |
add_match_nonblocking(const std::string &rule) | DBus::Connection | |
add_thread_dispatcher(std::weak_ptr< ThreadDispatcher > disp) | DBus::Connection | |
bus_register() | DBus::Connection | |
change_object_calling_thread(std::shared_ptr< Object > object, ThreadForCalling calling) | DBus::Connection | |
change_object_proxy_calling_thread(std::shared_ptr< ObjectProxy > object, ThreadForCalling calling) | DBus::Connection | |
Connection(BusType type) | DBus::Connection | private |
Connection(std::string address) | DBus::Connection | private |
create(BusType type) | DBus::Connection | static |
create(std::string address) | DBus::Connection | static |
create_free_signal(const std::string &path, const std::string &interface_name, const std::string &member) | DBus::Connection | inline |
create_free_signal_proxy(const SignalMatchRule &rule, ThreadForCalling calling=ThreadForCalling::DispatcherThread) | DBus::Connection | inline |
create_object(const std::string &path, ThreadForCalling calling=ThreadForCalling::DispatcherThread) | DBus::Connection | |
create_object_proxy(const std::string &path, ThreadForCalling calling=ThreadForCalling::DispatcherThread) | DBus::Connection | |
create_object_proxy(const std::string &destination, const std::string &path, ThreadForCalling calling=ThreadForCalling::DispatcherThread) | DBus::Connection | |
DBUS_CXX_PROPAGATE_CONST(std::unique_ptr< priv_data >) m_priv | DBus::Connection | private |
dispatch() | DBus::Connection | |
dispatch_status() const | DBus::Connection | |
flush() | DBus::Connection | |
get_free_signal_proxies() | DBus::Connection | |
get_free_signal_proxies(const std::string &interface_name) | DBus::Connection | |
get_free_signal_proxies(const std::string &interface_name, const std::string &member) | DBus::Connection | |
has_messages_to_send() | DBus::Connection | |
introspect(const std::string &destination, const std::string &path) | DBus::Connection | |
is_anonymous() const | DBus::Connection | |
is_authenticated() const | DBus::Connection | |
is_connected() const | DBus::Connection | |
is_registered() const | DBus::Connection | |
is_valid() const | DBus::Connection | |
name_has_owner(const std::string &name) const | DBus::Connection | |
notify_dispatcher_or_dispatch() | DBus::Connection | private |
operator bool() const | DBus::Connection | |
operator<<(std::shared_ptr< const Message > msg) | DBus::Connection | |
process_call_message(std::shared_ptr< const CallMessage > msg) | DBus::Connection | private |
process_signal_message(std::shared_ptr< const SignalMessage > msg) | DBus::Connection | private |
process_single_message() | DBus::Connection | private |
register_object(std::shared_ptr< Object > object, ThreadForCalling calling=ThreadForCalling::DispatcherThread) | DBus::Connection | |
register_object_proxy(std::shared_ptr< ObjectProxy > obj, ThreadForCalling calling=ThreadForCalling::DispatcherThread) | DBus::Connection | |
release_name(const std::string &name) | DBus::Connection | |
remove_free_signal_proxy(std::shared_ptr< SignalProxyBase > proxy) | DBus::Connection | |
remove_invalid_threaddispatchers_and_associated_objects() | DBus::Connection | private |
remove_match(const std::string &rule) | DBus::Connection | |
request_name(const std::string &name, unsigned int flags=0) | DBus::Connection | |
send(const std::shared_ptr< const Message > message) | DBus::Connection | |
send_error_on_handler_result(std::shared_ptr< const CallMessage > msg, HandlerResult result) | DBus::Connection | private |
send_with_reply_blocking(std::shared_ptr< const CallMessage > msg, int timeout_milliseconds=-1) | DBus::Connection | |
server_id() const | DBus::Connection | |
set_dispatching_thread(std::thread::id tid) | DBus::Connection | |
signal_needs_dispatch() | DBus::Connection | |
socket() const | DBus::Connection | |
start_service(const std::string &name, uint32_t flags=0) const | DBus::Connection | |
thread_id_from_calling(ThreadForCalling calling) | DBus::Connection | private |
unique_name() const | DBus::Connection | |
unix_fd() const | DBus::Connection | |
unregister_object(const std::string &path) | DBus::Connection | |
write_single_message(std::shared_ptr< const Message > msg) | DBus::Connection | private |
~Connection() | DBus::Connection |